Welcome to our World.
It's one populated by Foxes and Authors.

The Foxes
The Foxes are represented by the first book published by Ginkgo Leaf Publishing:
Somewhere Near Casa Grande. A Fox knows no borders, just how to have good time in the desert. Set in Mexico and Arizona.
Next in line and available soon:
Freddie the Fox and the Splendid Mushroom. Set in the English Countryside.
And soon to come:
A Fox is at Home in the Frozen North. Set in the
Arctic Circle.
Freddie Attends a Dog Show. Set where dogs are paraded anywhere in the world.

The Authors
The Authors are represented by a diverse group from around the world, gently coerced into writing wonderful stories about TRAVEL NATURE ART and… LIFE!
The first book published is:
The World Is a Handkerchief
It contains all thirty short stories by new authors from many parts of the world.
A series of thirty chapbooks - each one an individual short story from The World Is a Handkerchief - has also been published.